
Course program

  • Course
  • Qwiklabs
  • Course on demand
Git est un logiciel de gestion de version décentralisé. Aujourd’hui Git s’est imposé comme l’outil de référence pour gérer le code source des projets informatiques, et fait ainsi partie des outils essentiels des développeurs. Ce cours est conçu pour vous enseigner la façon dont Git est utilisé réellement: il couvre tous les aspects importants de Git, ainsi que les bonnes pratiques d’utilisation au quotidien.
This course presents the basic concepts and practices of containerization with Docker. It allows you to assimilate the basics of container orchestration and to know how to adapt Docker to several nodes within a simple Swarm or Kubernetes cluster.

Discover the world of containers and Kubernetes in one day. You will learn how to boost your business by deploying secure, resilient and scalable services. This course offers many practical workshops, including the deployment of a production grade application.

This training covers the fundamental aspects of Terraform software. Terraform is an infrastructure as code tool developed by the company Hashicorp and widely used in the context of multi-cloud deployment management while keeping a single user journey regardless of the destination platform (GCP, AWS, Azure, OVH, …). The tool also allows the configuration of SAAS and PAAS services such as Github, PagerDuty, Rundeck, Vault, ... An official list of eligible resources is available here . It is also possible to create your own providers to meet needs that are not covered by Hashicorp, particularly in the context of private applications. This course will use different tools such as a cloud provider (GCP, AWS, Azure, OVH,…), Git, Gitlab-ci, Vault, Vim,…

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