Les formations SFEIR Institute

Plus de 100 formations, certifications et masterclass, autour des sujets technologiques majeurs actuels et émergeants.

Our trainings
SFEIR Institute, SFEIR Institute
Angular has become a key framework in the Frontend ecosystem. Developed by Google, this framework has established itself as the reference framework. This course is updated to the latest version of Angular.
SFEIR Institute, SFEIR Institute
Back in 2012, Michael DeHaan proposed an alternative to Configuration Management tools such as SaltStack, Puppet and Chef by introducing Ansible. Ansible is easier to use because of its SSH based communication mode between machines and its completely decentralized operation. This eliminates the need...
SFEIR Institute, SFEIR Institute
This course presents the basic concepts and practices of containerization with Docker. It allows you to assimilate the basics of container orchestration and to know how to adapt Docker to several nodes within a simple Swarm or Kubernetes cluster.
SFEIR Institute
ECMAScript was created to standardize JavaScript which is its main implementation. ECMAScript is the most used language for writing web client scripts and for writing Node.js server applications. At the end of this course you will know the major functionalities of ECMAScript which will allow...
SFEIR Institute
Golang is becoming the preferred language for the cloud. First released by Google in 2012, it’s easy to install and there are a wealth of available libraries in a variety of domains. Statically typed, succinct, coming with a performant garbage collector, it’s built from...
SFEIR Institute, SFEIR Institute
Dans ce cours, les participants apprennent à identifier et corriger les erreurs d’accessibilité dans les sites internet, mais aussi à concevoir leurs composants accessibles by design. Cette formation prendra le parti de ne pas uniquement se concentrer sur la partie développement...
SFEIR Institute
This training covers the fundamentals of the JavaScript language. These basics are mandatory for the development of backend or frontend applications in JavaScript. JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted, object-oriented language with first order functions. It is better known as a scripting language for web pages,...
SFEIR Institute
This training covers the fundamentals of web application development with JavaScript. These basics are essential for the development of front end applications in JavaScript. The code execution model, which is based on the concept of event loop, will be explored in detail. The fundamental APIs...
SFEIR Institute, SFEIR Institute
Discover the world of containers and Kubernetes in one day. You will learn how to boost your business by deploying secure, resilient and scalable services. This course offers many practical workshops, including the deployment of a production grade application.
SFEIR Institute
Next.js est le méta framework par excellence pour le développement d'applications web modernes. Reposant sur React, il est l’un des plus utilisé et dispose d’une grande communauté de développeurs. Maintenu par Vercel, Next.js se distingue par ses innovations constantes, apportant régulièrement de...
SFEIR Institute, SFEIR Institute
Node.js is a set of technologies allowing the execution of JavaScript code but also managing one’s software project and its dependencies with other libraries. Node.js has established itself as a major technology for fullstack JavaScript development thanks to its pragmatic and efficient approach. A...
SFEIR Institute, SFEIR Institute
In 2015, Alex Russell introduced in a famous article the term “Progressive Web App”. It was new approach to Web Apps, at the junction of mobile and web, making it possible to improve the user experience by making the most of new concepts and...

Accompagner nos clients grâce à plus de 70 formations sur les technologies de pointe

SFEIR Institute propose désormais plus de 70 formations officielles de nos partenaires ; Confluent, Google Cloud, Linux Foundation, Microsoft. SFEIR Institute propose également des formations sur les sujets technologiques majeurs tels que le cloud, la data et l’IA, DevOps, FinOps, le développement web, … Notre expertise est reconnue : Nous formons chaque année plusieurs milliers de participants sur l’ensemble de notre catalogue. À ce jour, nous avons accompagné les collaborateurs
de plus de 200 entreprises du monde entier dans la maîtrise des technologies de pointe.

Nos formations se passent au plus près de vos équipes grâce à des formations en présentiel dans une de nos agences, en France et au Luxembourg, ou au sein de votre entreprise dans le monde entier; mais également en distanciel à travers nos solutions d’enseignement à distance en visioconférence.