SFEIR Institute, SFEIR InstituteANGULAR


5 days / 35h

Course overview

Angular has become a key framework in the Frontend ecosystem. Developed by Google, this framework has established itself as the reference framework. This course is updated to the latest version of Angular.

Learning outcomes

  • Develop (single page) applications with Angular
  • Understand the orientations of the Angular framework (components, server calls, forms, dependency injection, etc.)

Target audience

Developers, integrators, software architects, technical project managers


  • Knowledge of HTML and CSS.

Having followed or have knowledge equivalent to the courses:

  • JavaScript: language fundamentals
  • JavaScript: Developing web applications
  • TypeScript: language fundamentals

Course Outline

1 Getting started with Angular

  • Angular installation
  • Getting started with a component
  • Starting an application
  • Presentation of modules


  • Creating a component
  • Running an application

2 Databinding

  • Getting started with the Angular databinding mechanism: variables, properties, events


  • Creation of binding variables and properties
  • Creation of an event

3 Observables

  • Angular choice to use RxJS
  • Basic principles of an observable
  • Presentation of some operators


  • Basic handling of observables

4 Components

  • Analysis of the attributes of a component
  • Presentation of the directives
  • Presentation of annotations
  • Presentation of classes
  • Presentation of communication between components
  • Presentation of the life cycle of a component


  • Creation of a component and a subcomponent to test nesting and communication
  • Event management on a component

5 Server communication

  • Presentation of the http module
  • Handling observables


  • Handling a server call
  • Handling observables

6 Routing

  • Setting up the router
  • Router configuration


  • Setting up a navigation mechanism

7 Services

  • Getting started with Angular services
  • Presentation of dependency injection


  • Creation of a service

8 Forms & validation

  • Presentation of the different form elements
  • Template-driven form
  • Model-driven form
  • Manipulation of validators


  • Template driven, model driven form creation
  • Creation of a validator

9 Pipes

  • Presentation of pipes
  • How to create your own pipes


  • Use of Angular pipes
  • Creation of a custom pipe

10 Advanced use of directives

  • Reminders on directives
  • How to create your directive


  • Creation of a directive

11 Advanced communication

  • Presentation of the Flux pattern
  • Presentation of NgRX and NgXs tools


  • Handling NgRX or NgXs

12 Module: Deployment

  • Presentation of the deployment of Angular applications
  • Jit, AoT
  • Introduction to diagrams


  • Generating an Angular application

13 Testing an application

  • Presentation of tests on Angular
  • Karma & Jasmine
  • Asynchronous tests
  • Mocking mechanism


  • Unit testing of a service, a component and a directive

14 Advanced concepts

  • Angular and lazy loading
  • Using guard
  • Presentation of zones and the OnPush strategy
  • Advanced routing


  • Breakdown of the application into module to lazyload
  • Use of advanced routing

Our training sessions

Place of training :
16/09/24 Distance Register
16/10/24 Distance Register
20/11/24 Distance Register
18/12/24 Distance Register
16/09/24 Distance Register

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Place of training :
Distance Register
Distance Register
Distance Register
Distance Register
Distance Register
Inter : 2500 € HT / user

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