
Our trainings
SFEIR Institute, SFEIR Institute
Angular has become a key framework in the Frontend ecosystem. Developed by Google, this framework has established itself as the reference framework. This course is updated to the latest version of Angular.
SFEIR Institute
Dans ce cours, les participants apprennent à identifier et corriger les erreurs d’accessibilité dans les sites internet, mais aussi à concevoir leurs composants accessibles by design. Cette formation prendra le parti de ne pas uniquement se concentrer sur la partie développement...
SFEIR Institute
Node.js is a set of technologies allowing the execution of JavaScript code but also managing one’s software project and its dependencies with other libraries. Node.js has established itself as a major technology for fullstack JavaScript development thanks to its pragmatic and efficient approach. A...
SFEIR Institute, SFEIR Institute
In 2015, Alex Russell introduced in a famous article the term “Progressive Web App”. It was new approach to Web Apps, at the junction of mobile and web, making it possible to improve the user experience by making the most of new concepts and...
SFEIR Institute, SFEIR Institute
React has become an essential framework of the Front ecosystem. Developed by Facebook, this framework has established itself to become the benchmark. This course is updated to the latest version of React.
SFEIR Institute, SFEIR Institute
RxJS is a JavaScript a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences. Adopted by frameworks like Angular and widely used in the industry, reactive programming has become an essential tool for the web developer or backend. This course is updated...
SFEIR Institute
TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. As it allows writing robust and maintainable code, TypeScript is widely adopted within web frameworks, JavaScript libraries, web applications or back-end Node.js. This course is updated to TypeScript 3 and it covers everything...
SFEIR Institute, SFEIR Institute
Vue.js (also called Vue), is an open-source JavaScript framework used to build user interfaces. Through its pragmatism, power and versatility, Vue.js quickly established itself as a major web framework.