
1 day / 7h

Course overview

TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. As it allows writing robust and maintainable code, TypeScript is widely adopted within web frameworks, JavaScript libraries, web applications or back-end Node.js.

This course is updated to TypeScript 3 and it covers everything you need to know to create websites, libraries and applications with TypeScript.

  • Master types in TypeScript
  • Develop front-end and back-end programs in TypeScript
  • Implement modules and namespaces
  • Use advanced TypeScript concepts
  • Configure a TypeScript project

Target audience


Developers, integrators, software architects, technical project managers

Course Outline

  • Have taken the JavaScript course: Language fundamentals or have equivalent
  • Basic knowledge of object oriented programming (types, classes, interfaces, …) are not not required but will be a big plus to understand the object concepts in TypeScript
  • Basic knowledge of HTML

Our training sessions

Place of training :
18/11/24 Distance Register
16/12/24 Distance Register

Ce cours vous intéresse ?

Place of training :
Distance Register
Distance Register
Inter : 700 € HT / user

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