Les formations SFEIR Institute

Plus de 100 formations, certifications et masterclass, autour des sujets technologiques majeurs actuels et émergeants.

Our trainings
Google Cloud, Google Cloud
Dive deep into the technical underpinnings of FinOps and gain the expertise to optimize your cloud spending and drive business value. This comprehensive course is designed for cloud architects, engineers, and technical professionals seeking to master the tools, technologies, and strategies that empower effective cloud...
SFEIR Institute, SFEIR Institute
This training covers the fundamental aspects of Terraform software. Terraform is an infrastructure as code tool developed by the company Hashicorp and widely used in the context of multi-cloud deployment management while keeping a single user journey regardless of the destination platform (GCP, AWS,...
SFEIR Institute, SFEIR Institute
TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. As it allows writing robust and maintainable code, TypeScript is widely adopted within web frameworks, JavaScript libraries, web applications or back-end Node.js. This course is updated to TypeScript 3 and it covers everything...
Google Cloud, Google Cloud
Vertex AI Search and Conversation lets developers, even those with limited machine learning skills, tap into the power of Google's foundation models, search expertise, and conversational AI technologies to create enterprise-grade generative AI applications. In this course, you learn how to use Vertex AI Search...
Google Cloud, Google Cloud
This instructor-led one-day course is designed for engineers and data scientists familiar with machine learning models who want to become proficient in using Vertex AI for custom model workflows. This practical, hands-on course will provide you with a deep dive into the core functionalities of Vertex AI, enabling...
SFEIR Institute
Vue.js (also called Vue), is an open-source JavaScript framework used to build user interfaces. Through its pragmatism, power and versatility, Vue.js quickly established itself as a major web framework.

Accompagner nos clients grâce à plus de 70 formations sur les technologies de pointe

SFEIR Institute propose désormais plus de 70 formations officielles de nos partenaires ; Confluent, Google Cloud, Linux Foundation, Microsoft. SFEIR Institute propose également des formations sur les sujets technologiques majeurs tels que le cloud, la data et l’IA, DevOps, FinOps, le développement web, … Notre expertise est reconnue : Nous formons chaque année plusieurs milliers de participants sur l’ensemble de notre catalogue. À ce jour, nous avons accompagné les collaborateurs
de plus de 200 entreprises du monde entier dans la maîtrise des technologies de pointe.

Nos formations se passent au plus près de vos équipes grâce à des formations en présentiel dans une de nos agences, en France et au Luxembourg, ou au sein de votre entreprise dans le monde entier; mais également en distanciel à travers nos solutions d’enseignement à distance en visioconférence.