Introduction to Generative AI for Decision Makers

Decision-makers: understand the potential of Google Cloud Generative AI for your business

Version : C-GAIDM-B-1.0
0.5 day / 3h

Course overview

This course is designed for business users, business leaders, and, more generally, decision makers within organizations who are seeking to gain a comprehensive understanding of generative AI and its potential impact on their businesses.

The overall goal of the course is to educate decision makers on the potential impact generative AI can have in their organizations, educate them about generative AI services on Google Cloud and to inspire decision makers to start thinking about what is possible with generative AI technologies.

What you'll learn

  • Define generative AI and distinguish between generative AI and other types of AI.
  • Explain the impact and potential application of generative AI
  • Understand the pillars of Responsible AI and how it relates to generative AI.
  • Define the potential personas affected by generative AI and how they can leverage this new technology
  • Survey applications of generative AI across different horizontals through a case study.

Target audience



There are no prerequisites for this course. The workshop aims to provide both introductory and advanced insights into Gen AI, making it suitable for individuals with varying levels of AI expertise.

Course Outline

Module 01: Understanding Generative AI


  • Gen AI versus AI/ML
  • Gen AI Applications
  • Business Impact of Gen AI


  • Define generative AI as a subset of AI.
  • Discuss the potential impact of AI on organizations.
  • Provide examples of generative AI applications.

Module 02: Generative AI in your Organization


  • Personas and products
  • Business audience: Google Workspace
  • Consumer AI products versus enterprise AI
  • AI practitioners: Vertex AI Model Garden
  • Developers: Vertex AI Studio and Vertex AI Agent Builder


  • Define the different personas in your organization for generative AI.
  • Explore different services for the different personas in your organization.

Module 03: Responsible AI

  • AI and responsibility
  • Google’s AI principles
  • Responsible AI practices
  • Data privacy at Google
  • Customers’ responsibilities


  • How Google approaches Responsible AI
  • The pillars of Responsible AI at Google
  • Data privacy and generative AI
  • Customer’s responsibilities using Gen AI

Module 04: Generative AI Case Study


  • Use case identification and scoping considerations
  • Use case prioritization evaluation
  • Generative AI project steps
  • Case study discussion


  • Identify possible generative AI use cases
  • Evaluate and discuss generative AI use cases

Our training sessions

Place of training :
18/11/24 Distance Register
16/12/24 Distance Register

Ce cours vous intéresse ?

Place of training :
Distance Register
Distance Register
Inter : 700 € HT / user

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