SFEIR Institute, SFEIR InstituteGO

Go fundamentals

Develop backends and web services in Go

3 days / 21h

Course overview

Golang is becoming the preferred language for the cloud. First released by Google in 2012, it’s easy to install and there are a wealth of available libraries in a variety of domains. Statically typed, succinct, coming with a performant garbage collector, it’s built from the ground for powerful and easy concurrent programmation. Fast compiling, with low memory imprint, it optimizes machine resources.

These features are the reason why Go is the language of choice for the implementation of modern, simple and light microservices.

At the end of this training you will master the fundamental aspects of Go programming. You will be able to use the Go ecosystem to your advantage and quickly create powerful and maintainable additions to your information system.
You’ll enjoy coding on the backend side again and will leave us confident in the achievement of your objectives.

Target audience

  • Mastering Go fundamentals
  • Implement a command line interface
  • Produce logs
  • Create HTTP services
  • Access to databases
  • Dockerize and deploy a Go Application


Backend or Full Stack developers.

  • Be familiar to general programmation, web standards and databases concepts
  • Know how to clone a git repository
  • Know how to launch shell commands

Course Outline

Module 1 : Introduction

  • Presentation, organization of the course
  • Go: Key-concepts, context, history
  • Workstations conformity to prerequisites
    • Attendees workstation installation checks
    • Completing installations if needed
  • Cloning git repository and preparing workspace

Module 2 : Fundamentals

  • Compilation, execution
  • Packages, imports
  • Types, variables, constants
  • Functions
  • Conditional constructs
  • Iterations


  • Exercise on functions and conditional constructs
  • Exercise on iterations

Module 3: Structures and pointers

  • Defer/panic/recover
  • Structures
  • Pointers


  • Mind agility game about pointers and structures

Module 4 : Fundamental aggregating types

  • Arrays
  • Slices
  • Maps
  • Iterations over such types
  • Closures


  • Arrays and slices manipulations
  • Closures

Module 5 : Methods and interfaces

  • Methods and receivers
  • Interfaces & Duck Typing
  • The Empty interface
  • Type assertions and type switches


  • Methods with struct receiver
  • Type switches and recover

Module 6: Concurrent programmation

  • Goroutines
  • Channels
  • Iterations on channels
  • (non/) blocking I/O over channels
  • Select : multiplexing


  • Goroutines
  • Using channels for goroutines synchronization

Module 7 : Tooling

  • Go tooling (run, build, test, …)
  • The makefile
  • Vendors
  • Presentation of the training project

Module 8 : CLI : Command Line Interface

  • Running an application via the command line
  • Native and libraries
  • CLI Arguments parsing


  • Completing the CLI management of the training application

Module 9 : Logging

  • Logging in the application
  • Native and libraries
  • Configuring the logger
  • Exploiting logs


  • Producing logs in the project application

Module 10 : Concurrency, multi-threading, unit tests

  • Go solution (routines, channel)
  • Channels multiplexing (select)
  • Tests


  • Implementing a request counter

Module 11 : Data access

  • Data access layers architecture
  • Description of the data model
  • Interface, DAO and Factory
  • Testing and Mocking


  • Completing the model layer of the application
  • Complete the DAO factory and the Mock implementation
  • MongoDB ou PostgreSQL implementation

Module 12: Handling HTTP requests

  • Go web packages: native and libraries
  • Layered architecture of the web
  • Middlewares
  • Routage and Endpoints
  • Web tests


  • Completing the “web” package of the application

Module 13: Build and deployment

  • Dockerfile of a go executable
  • Running the executable and the DB system (compose)
  • Testing the service

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